Work smarter, work faster – tips for an effective time management at work

In the last years, the improvement of work-life balance of employees has become a core topic in the current workplaces. Countries like Spain or Iceland trialled a four-day working week, where productivity levels would remain the same or even improved. This shows that productivity is not about how much time you spend at work but rather how you effectively use the working hours.

Working smarter rather than working longer is really the key value of time management! 

Here are some of the main important tips to manage efficiently and effectively your time at work.

  • Fight against procrastination. It is the enemy number one of time management. Employees should educate themselves not to waste too much useful time during their working hours in order to create a better work-life balance.
  • Plan a daily schedule, stick to objectives and deadline. The starting point of your work should be to know what your goals are. Make a plan, set priorities and feasible deadlines. An effective working plan starts from the end of it.
  • Don’t multitask and learn to say no. Do not take too much on your shoulders and try to realise less tasks but effectively. To establish your own pace and to dedicate the needed time to each task is important to reach valuable outcomes.
  • Use your most productive hours and take breaks when necessary. As already said, work smarter rather than longer! Take the most from the hours you consider most productive and take your time when you need to recharge your batteries. It is all about how you use your time!

In i-Coach project, we dedicated one of the training modules to time management, as we consider a relevant skill that interns need to acquire when starting to work. 

You can find this and the other modules by signing to the i-Coach platform: 


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000033358